Due to unsatisfactory softened water, dense water scale grows inside the cooling water jacket blast furnace. 由于软化水不合要求,使鼓风炉水套内产生了致密的水垢。
Principle and Improvement of Micro Water Cooling Hot Blast Valve 一种新的高炉热风系统阀门冷却原理分析与应用实践
Numerical Simulation on Liquid-solid Two-phase Flow of Water Cooling Pipe in Blast Furnace Cooling Stave Influence of the Recontamination Resulted from the Biomembrane in Water Distribution Network 高炉冷却壁冷却水管内液固两相流的数值模拟给水管网中管壁生物膜对水质二次污染的影响
Study on stability of water quality for circulating cooling water in blast furnace by low frequency gradient magnetic 低频高梯度电磁场处理高炉冷却水试验研究
Repair of bend pipe in cooling stave of blast furnace 高炉冷却壁断裂弯管修复技术
Hot Analogous Test and Heat Transfer Analysis of Copper Cooling Stave for Blast Furnace 高炉铜冷却壁热模拟实验及传热特性分析
Realizations on cooling ways of blast furnace 关于炼铁高炉冷却方式的几点体会
An Investigation on the Characteristics of Evaporative Cooling of Blast Furnace 高炉汽化冷却特性探讨
Some problems on the design of closed loop soft water cooling system for blast furnace 高炉软水闭路循环冷却系统设计中的若干问题
A Study on as-cast Ferritic Ductile Iron Cooling Wall of Blast Furnace 铁素体球铁高炉冷却壁的试验研究
Leakage Treatment of Cooling Stave of Blast Furnace and Its Operation 高炉冷却壁的漏水检查处理及炉内操作
Calculation and Analysis on cooling capacity of blast furnace stave 高炉冷却壁冷却能力的计算和分析
Study of Enhancing Concentration Multiple of Circulation Cooling Water of Blast Furnace 提高高炉循环冷却水浓缩倍数研究
Study on cooling control of blast furnace with a block stack 模块式炉身冷却控制的研究
Combining with the engineering example, the transformation of frequency conversion technology of cooling water for blast furnace slag is introduced in detail. 本文通过工程改造实例,详细介绍炼铁高炉冲渣水系统变频技术改造的情况。
The author gets new understanding about the concept of long campaign of blast furnace by studying the theory on stack breakage mechanism, hearth corrosion mechanism, heat transmission and cooling of blast furnace, etc. 根据炉身破损机理、炉缸侵蚀机理、高炉传热与冷却等方面理论研究结果,对高炉长寿理念有了新的认识。
Improvement of cooling staves of blast furnaces in Japan 日本高炉冷却壁的技术改进
The properties of cores in the casts are enhanced when using this nodulizer in the key ductile iron casts, such as cooling wall of blast furnace and roller. 该球化剂应用于高炉冷却壁,轧辊等关键球铁件上可提高抗拉强度和伸长率。
A digital monitoring system for water temperature difference in cooling wall of blast furnace 一种数字化高炉冷却壁水温差监测系统
Cast Principles And Cast Techniques Of Cast Steel Cooling Staves For Blast Furnace 高炉铸钢冷却壁铸造原则与铸造工艺
Effect of Section Shape for Cooling Channel in Copper Cooling Stave of Blast Furnace 冷却通道截面形状对高炉铜冷却壁的影响
The technology and application of cooling air blast drying for animal food 动物类食品冷风干燥技术及应用
Implementation and Evaluation of Frequcncy Conversion Technology Transformation of Cooling Water for Blast Furnace Slag 高炉冲渣水系统变频技术改造的实施和评价
Analysis of the influence factors on heat transfer and structure of cast steel cooling stave in blast furnace 高炉铸钢冷却壁传热和结构的影响因素分析
Experiment Analysis of Thermal Stress in the Cooling Wall of Blast Furnace 高炉冷却壁热应力试验分析
The finite element mould of the cast steel cooling stave of blast furnace was established and the initial conditions and boundary conditions were determined. 建立了高炉铸钢冷却壁的有限元模型,确定了冷却壁温度场模拟的初始条件和边界条件。
The Experiment Research on As-Cast High Toughness Ductile Iron Cooling Wall for Blast Furnace 铸态高韧性球墨铸铁高炉冷却壁的试验研究
An approach to design parameters of cooling stave for blast furnace 对高炉冷却壁设计参数的探讨
The connetion between cooling water flux and cooling effect of blast furnace wall is revealed by experiment. 通过实验揭示冷却水流量与高炉炉壁冷却效果间的关系。
On the basis of service life analysis for middle and small blast furnace and practical experience of blast furnace design, the reasons for lifetime of cooling equipment in blast furnace being short are concluded, the improving measures in material and structure for cooling equipment are proposed. 通过对中小型高炉寿命的分析,结合河北省冶金设计研究院高炉设计的实践经验,总结了高炉冷却设备寿命短的原因,并提出冷却设备在材质和结构上的改进措施。